Google Talk Client’s Java SWT Desktop Copy

Actually, Google Talk Client’s Java SWT desktop copy is the original source for Google Talk Client’s JavaScript copy.

And now it is available for download. Please take a trial.

Sources of Java2Script Google Talk will be available in the next week. Keep tuned.

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8 Responses to Google Talk Client’s Java SWT Desktop Copy

  1. Winay says:


  2. anonymous says:


    The url https:\\gtalk is not working… It seems having some bug with it .. When we enter any usernam and password on it … It says “Userid and Passord does not match each other”.
    But we are sure both are correct and also at a time none almost 10 users can not give same error.

    Please resove this ASAp.

    We really need it …

  3. anon says:

    I am also having the same problem with the error stating that the password does not match, when i am certain my password is correct.

  4. myboy says:

    I also havethe same problem with the error stating
    that the password does not match .
    but i’m able to login to gtalk from
    gmail and gtalk client.

  5. Zhou Renjian says:

    @myboy, anon
    The is out of services at that time. Now the services is running ok.

  6. Krishnan says:

    The same problem still exists i recently downloaded the desktop copy and im getting the same error can you please confirm it.
    Userid and Passord does not match each other”.

  7. shalini says:

    seems the server is down…its displaying page can not be displyed since 2 days…please fix it..

  8. Zhou Renjian says:

    Already be fixed.